php - jQuery stopping after parseJSON -

$.get('api/dosomething.php',data,function(responsetext){     alert(responsetext);     var response = jquery.parsejson(responsetext);     alert(response); 

the first alert says: object (object)

however, next alert never executed.

uncaught syntaxerror: unexpected token ) file.php:1 4 uncaught syntaxerror: unexpected token o  


 $result = array('id' => $db->lastinsertid());      header('content-type: application/json');      echo json_encode($result); 

your php script tells browser serving json (content-type: application/json). $.get automatically detects , converts fetched json data valid javascript object.

$.get('api/dosomething.php',data,function(data) {     alert(; });

the type of data you're expecting server. if none specified, jquery try infer based on mime type of response


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