symfony - symfony2 semantic bundle configuration - conditional required parameter -

i working on bundle have couple of required parameters. want able disable bundle setting enabled: false in parameters.yml. if bundle disabled configuration parameters cant required more.

is there anyway can in bundle configuration class required parameters required if enabled parameter true?

thank you.


my configuration.php

 $rootnode             ->children()                 ->arraynode('settings')                     ->canbeenabled()                     ->children()                         ->scalarnode('api_key')                             ->isrequired()                             ->cannotbeempty()                         ->end()                         ->scalarnode('api_secret')                             ->isrequired()                             ->cannotbeempty()                         ->end()                         ->booleannode('debug')                             ->defaultfalse()                             ->cannotbeempty()                         ->end()                         ->booleannode('ssl')                             ->defaultfalse()                         ->end()                     ->end()             ->end(); 

if set in parameters.yml,

my_bundle:   settings:     enabled: false 

it shouldnt complain "the child node "api_key" @ path "my_bundle.settings" must configured."


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