- db.Entry.Collection.Query is not eagerly loading all virtual attributes -

i have following scenario (combined in 1 line)

var user = db.entry(obj).collection(collection).query().where(/*some condition*/).firstordefault(/*some condition*/); 

lets assume user object has posts virtual attribute (to eagerly load them) result of previous line loads 1 post user while if did 1 of following :

var users = db.entry(obj).collection(collection).query().tolist().where(/*some condition*/).firstordefault(/*some condition*/); //added tolist() after query method //or db.users.where(/*full condition*/).firstordefault() //or db.users.firstordefault(/*full condition*/) 

all of these loads posts user, i'm missing in first query, , how can eagerly load posts through it?

try adding .include(virtualpropertytoeagerload) after .where in first query.

see msdn post on using eager loading.


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