c# - No Overload for Method. What am i Doing Wrong? -

no overload method. doing wrong? head alread hurts :)

//this first class named employee namespace lala { public class employee {     public static double grosspay(double weeklysales) //grosspay     {          return weeklysales * .07;     }      public static double fedtaxpaid(double grosspay)     {         return grosspay * .18;     }      public static double retirementpaid(double grosspay)     {         return grosspay * .1;     }      public static double socsecpaid(double grosspay)     {         return grosspay * .06;     }      public static double totaldeductions(double socsecpaid, double retirementpaid, double fedtaxpaid)     {         return socsecpaid + retirementpaid + fedtaxpaid;     }      public static double takehomepay(double grosspay, double totaldeductions)     {         return grosspay - totaldeductions;     } } 


this second class named employeeapp dont know why program doesnt work

namespace lala { public class employeeapp {     public static string name;     public static double weeklysales;      public static void main()     {         employee yuki = new employee();          getinfo();          console.writeline();          console.writeline("name: {0}", name);          console.writeline();          console.writeline("gross pay            : {0}", yuki.grosspay());          console.writeline("federal tax paid     : {0}", yuki.fedtaxpaid());         console.writeline("social security paid : {0}", yuki.socsecpaid());         console.writeline("retirement paid      : {0}", yuki.retirementpaid());         console.writeline("total deductions     : {0}", yuki.totaldeductions());          console.writeline();          console.writeline("take-home pay        : {0}", yuki.takehomepay());          console.readkey();     }      public static string getinfo()     {         console.write("enter employee name : ");         name = console.readline();          console.write("enter weekly sales : ");         weeklysales = convert.todouble(console.readline());          return name;     } } 


any gladly appreciated :)

employee yuki = new employee(); yuki.grosspay(); 

or rather:


you trying use static methods in wrong way.


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