django - South letting syncdb do all the job -

when try run syncdb django can create tables , south's tables, creates tables south's , other app should not create, south should. look:

patricks-mac-mini:tsm_telecom patrickbassut$ python syncdb syncing... creating tables ... creating table auth_permission creating table auth_group_permissions creating table auth_group creating table auth_user_groups creating table auth_user_user_permissions creating table auth_user creating table django_content_type creating table django_session creating table django_site creating table south_migrationhistory  installed django's auth system, means don't have superusers defined. create 1 now? (yes/no): no installing custom sql ... installing indexes ... installed 0 object(s) 0 fixture(s)  synced:  > django.contrib.auth  > django.contrib.contenttypes  > django.contrib.sessions  > django.contrib.sites  > django.contrib.messages  > django.contrib.staticfiles  > south  not synced (use migrations):  -  (use ./ migrate migrate these) 

here, added app installed_apps try trick django, or whatever is.

patricks-mac-mini:tsm_telecom patrickbassut$ python syncdb syncing... creating tables ... creating table tb_lines creating table tb_location creating table tb_company_lines creating table tb_company creating table tb_client creating table tb_bills installing custom sql ... installing indexes ... installed 0 object(s) 0 fixture(s)  synced:  > django.contrib.auth  > django.contrib.contenttypes  > django.contrib.sessions  > django.contrib.sites  > django.contrib.messages  > django.contrib.staticfiles  > core  > south  not synced (use migrations):  -  (use ./ migrate migrate these) patricks-mac-mini:tsm_telecom patrickbassut$ python schemamigration core --initial valueerror: empty module name 

sorry forgot sending requested:

# django settings tsm_telecom project. import os   debug = true template_debug = debug  workdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))  admins = (     ('patrick bassut', ''),     # ('luis henrique', ''), )  managers = admins  databases = {     'default': {         'engine': 'django.db.backends.mysql',  # add 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'mysql', 'sqlite3' or 'oracle'.         'name': 'tsm_telecom',                      # or path database file if using sqlite3.         # following settings not used sqlite3:         'user': 'root',         'password': 'root',         'host': '',                      # empty localhost through domain sockets or '' localhost through tcp.         'port': '3306',                      # set empty string default.     } }  # hosts/domain names valid site; required if debug false # see allowed_hosts = []  # local time zone installation. choices can found here: # # although not choices may available on operating systems. # in windows environment must set system time zone. time_zone = 'america/sao_paulo'  # language code installation. choices can found here: # language_code = 'en-us'  site_id = 1  # if set false, django make optimizations not # load internationalization machinery. use_i18n = true  # if set false, django not format dates, numbers , # calendars according current locale. use_l10n = true  # if set false, django not use timezone-aware datetimes. use_tz = true  # absolute filesystem path directory hold user-uploaded files. # example: "/var/www/" media_root = ''  # url handles media served media_root. make sure use # trailing slash. # examples: "", "" media_url = ''  # absolute path directory static files should collected to. # don't put in directory yourself; store static files # in apps' "static/" subdirectories , in staticfiles_dirs. # example: "/var/www/" static_root = ''  # url prefix static files. # example: "", "" static_url = '/static/'  # additional locations of static files staticfiles_dirs = (     # put strings here, "/home/html/static" or "c:/www/django/static".     # use forward slashes, on windows.     # don't forget use absolute paths, not relative paths.     workdir + '/static', )  # list of finder classes know how find static files in # various locations. staticfiles_finders = (     'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.filesystemfinder',     'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.appdirectoriesfinder', #    'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.defaultstoragefinder', )  # make unique, , don't share anybody. secret_key = 'w*+f*_!)%2kzsbqwszj0amt5_rt-q*njruutvy97n88mr08ci!'  # list of callables know how import templates various sources. template_loaders = (     'django.template.loaders.filesystem.loader',     'django.template.loaders.app_directories.loader', #     'django.template.loaders.eggs.loader', )  middleware_classes = (     'django.middleware.common.commonmiddleware',     'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.sessionmiddleware',     'django.middleware.csrf.csrfviewmiddleware',     'django.contrib.auth.middleware.authenticationmiddleware',     'django.contrib.messages.middleware.messagemiddleware',     # uncomment next line simple clickjacking protection:     # 'django.middleware.clickjacking.xframeoptionsmiddleware', )  root_urlconf = 'django_related.urls'  # python dotted path wsgi application used django's runserver. wsgi_application = 'django_related.wsgi.application'  template_dirs = (     # put strings here, "/home/html/django_templates" or "c:/www/django/templates".     # use forward slashes, on windows.     # don't forget use absolute paths, not relative paths.     workdir + '/templates', )  installed_apps = (     'django.contrib.auth',     'django.contrib.contenttypes',     'django.contrib.sessions',     'django.contrib.sites',     'django.contrib.messages',     'django.contrib.staticfiles',     # uncomment next line enable admin:     # 'django.contrib.admin',     # uncomment next line enable admin documentation:     # 'django.contrib.admindocs',     'core',     'south', )  # sample logging configuration. tangible logging # performed configuration send email # site admins on every http 500 error when debug=false. # see # more details on how customize logging configuration. logging = {     'version': 1,     'disable_existing_loggers': false,     'filters': {         'require_debug_false': {             '()': 'django.utils.log.requiredebugfalse'         }     },     'handlers': {         'mail_admins': {             'level': 'error',             'filters': ['require_debug_false'],             'class': 'django.utils.log.adminemailhandler'         }     },     'loggers': {         'django.request': {             'handlers': ['mail_admins'],             'level': 'error',             'propagate': true,         },     } }   if debug:     installed_apps += (         # debug toolbar         'debug_toolbar',     )      debug_toolbar_panels = (         'debug_toolbar.panels.version.versiondebugpanel',         'debug_toolbar.panels.timer.timerdebugpanel',         'debug_toolbar.panels.settings_vars.settingsvarsdebugpanel',         'debug_toolbar.panels.headers.headerdebugpanel',         'debug_toolbar.panels.request_vars.requestvarsdebugpanel',         'debug_toolbar.panels.template.templatedebugpanel',         'debug_toolbar.panels.sql.sqldebugpanel',         'debug_toolbar.panels.signals.signaldebugpanel',         'debug_toolbar.panels.logger.loggingpanel',     )      debug_toolbar_config = {         'intercept_redirects': false,     }      middleware_classes += (         'debug_toolbar.middleware.debugtoolbarmiddleware',     ) 

you must generate migrations first python schemamigration core --initial. south doesn't block syncdb apps don't have migrations directory in it.


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