Java - how does reversing byte array with bitwise shift operator work in this example? -

i learning java book - java 7 absolute beginners jay bryant. there particular example on page 164 read , reversed contents of text file, using particular method follows:

private static void reversebytearray(byte[] inbytes) {     int inlength = inbytes.length;     (int = 0; < (inlength >>1); i++) {         byte temp = inbytes[i];         inbytes[i] = inbytes[inlength - - 1];         inbytes[inlength - - 1] = temp;     } } 

my question bitwise shift operator in following line (int = 0; < (inlength >>1); i++) {

-what role in entire operation reverse text contents?

i believe understand subsequent code under loop, swap first byte's value last byte's value.

if there no bitwise shift operator present, output not reversed.

initial: sleep: perchance dream: ay, there's rub; in sleep of death dreams may come when have shuffled off mortal coil, must give pause: there's respect makes calamity of long life

output: efil gnol os fo ytimalac sekam taht tcepser eht s'ereht :esuap su evig tsum ,lioc latrom siht ffo delffuhs evah ew nehw emoc yam smaerd tahw htaed fo peels taht ni rof ;bur eht s'ereht ,ya :maerd ot ecnahcrep :peels ot

thank you.

what bitwise shift operator in following line

for reversing array, need iterate till it's half length. bit shift operator doing. bit shift 1 truncates last bit , equivalent divide 2.

length >> 1  == length / 2 

if there no bitwise shift operator present, output not reversed

if iterate till length, till length / 2, each element swapped corresponding element end. but, proceeding further start swapping element, element towards left. so, final array same original.

consider simple example: arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

  • you start @ index 0, , swap arr[0] arr[4], array becomes:

    [5, 2, 3, 4, 1] 
  • index = 1, swap arr[1] arr[3]:

    [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] 

till here fine, , iterate before half length. if proceed further:

  • index = 2, swap arr[2] , arr[2], no change

  • index = 3, swap arr[3] , arr[1]:

    [5, 2, 3, 4, 1] 

see, array starts changing previous state.


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