node.js - File path completion relative to the current file directory -

is possible have file path completion relative current file directory ? able search file (like command-t or ctrlp) , insert relative path.

this nodejs/component development, require other modules of project.

(i found example sublime text



i add example illustrate question:

. |-- models |   `-- user.js `-- views     `-- home         `-- index.js 

i'm working on file views/home/index.js , want require models/user.js views/home/index.js

var usermodel = require('../../models/user'); 

is there way in vim path of models/user.js relative views/home/index.js (here in example ='../../models/user').

filename-completion done working directory.

if want things relative current file, can add

set autochdir 

to ~/.vimrc.

you can change working directory current window with

:lcd %:p:h 

see :help 'autochdir', :help :lcd , :help filename-modifiers.


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