c - bits set by lookup table - Recursive macro -

this question has answer here:

static const unsigned char bitssettable256[256] =  { #   define b2(n) n,     n+1,     n+1,     n+2 #   define b4(n) b2(n), b2(n+1), b2(n+1), b2(n+2) #   define b6(n) b4(n), b4(n+1), b4(n+1), b4(n+2)     b6(0), b6(1), b6(1), b6(2) }; 

this code famous in set bit problem.. have understand how output lookup table @ compile time.

but need more intuition .. means

what meaning of b2(n),b4(n),b6(n) ??
, basic idea boils down recursive macro ??

edited mean idea behind recursion

the idea "recursively defining problem down 2-bit values": 00, 01, 10, 11. they're not recursive macros, represent technique of recursive decomposition of problem. arrangement of macros cascade attacks problem of generating table of 2^8 values solving problem 2-bits (generating 4 values), 4-bits (using 2-bit solution 4 times), 6-bits (using 4-bit solution 4 times), whole problem (using 6-bit solution 4 times).

2 bits gives 4 values: 0, 1, 2, 3. 0 has 0 bits set, 1 has 1 bit set, 2 has 1 bit set, , 3 has 2 bits set.

the values 4 bit numbers use same pattern , use 2-bit pattern 2 bits of each value.

it "simplified" down 1-bit per macro.

#define b1(n) n,     n+1 #define b2(n) b1(n), b1(n+1), #define b3(n) b2(n), b2(n+1), #define b4(n) b3(n), b3(n+1), #define b5(n) b4(n), b4(n+1), #define b6(n) b5(n), b5(n+1), #define b7(n) b6(n), b6(n+1),  b7(0), b7(1) 

remember purpose of lookup table replace function call howmanybits(x) table-lookup howmanybits[x]. each value in table should represent f(i) index , overall function f.

so handle on it, trace through first few values. b6(0) starts b4(0), starts b2(0), goes 0, 1, 1, 2. f(0)=0, f(1)=1, f(2)=1, f(3)=2. b4(0) continues b2(1) goes 1, 2, 2, 3. f(4)=1, f(5)=2, f(6)=2, f(7)=3. if @ these numbers in binary representation, should clear it's correct these 8 results.

x  x_2  f(x) 0 0000  0 bits set 1 0001  1 2 0010  1 3 0011  2 4 0100  1 5 0101  2 6 0110  2 7 0111  3 ... 


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