Calling Java Objects in C++ in Android NDK - What IDE to use? -

i need use c++ code in android app, i'm doing using ndk/jni. have able use java objects in c++. (note: not using c++ methods in java.)

my problem ide. have c++ code in folder called 'jni' in android project. have installed cdt in eclipse. helloworld c++ project works fine confirming cdt set fine.

what not know how run c++ code?

thanks in advance!

you going need native method in class signature such as

native void processdata(byte[] data); 

then in jni code need c function correct name

extern "c" jniexport void jnicall java_your_package_and_class_processdata(jnienv* env, jobject clazz, jobject data); 

the javah tool can right names match java class. in native code , have reference class instance , byte array. can access data in byte array using jni methods provided through jnienv instance. android jni tips page has on this, should read rest of page if new jni.

i have assumed modifying data in byte array if need return in new byte array check out functions available in jnienv. note: when using c++ not pass jnienv* first parameter instead call functions env->...

this not problem ide if project not setup build ndk code not built. believe eclipse has tools adding ndk build features.


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