Change format of inline code evaluation in org-mode's LaTeX-export -

i have code block in org document

#+name: result_whatever #+begin_src python :session data :results value :exports none  return(8.1 - 5) #+end_src 

which evaluate inline:

now, work? let's see: call_result_whatever(). i'd surprised ... 

when exporting latex, generates following:

now, work? let's see:  \texttt{3.1}. i'd surprised \ldots{} 

however, don't want results displayed in monospace. want formatted in "normal" upright font, without special markup.

how can achieve this?

the problem of type can solved in 2 ways:

1: easy it:

a plain query-replace on exported buffer. once you're in latex buffer,

  1. beginning-of-buffer or m-<
  2. query-replace or m-%
    • enter \texttt string want replace
    • enter nothing replacement
    • continue replace each match interactively y/n or replace !

2: wanna!

the second way nag org-mode mailing list implementing switch or option specific case. while it's necessary sometimes, produces system thousands of switches, can become unwieldy. can try, don't recommend.


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