How can I compare two C# collections and issue Add, Delete commands to make them equal? -

i have 2 icollection collections:

public partial class objectivedetail {     public int objectivedetailid { get; set; }     public int number { get; set; }     public string text { get; set; } }  var _objdetail1: // contains list of objectivedetails database. var _objdetail2: // contains list of objectivedetails web front end.  

how can iterate through these , issue , add, delete or update synchronize database latest web front end?

if there record present in first list not second to:


if there record present in second list not first to:


if there record (same objectivedetailid) in first , second need see if same , if not issue an:


i thinking kind of:

foreach (var _objectivedetail in _objectivedetails) {}  

but think might need have 2 of these , wondering if there better way. have suggestions how this?

the following code 1 of possible solutions

var tobeupdated =             objectivedetail1.where(             => objectivedetail2.any(                 b => (b.objectivedetailid == a.objectivedetailid) &&                       (b.number != a.number || !b.text.equals(a.text))));  var tobeadded =             objectivedetail1.where(a => objectivedetail2.all(             b => b.objectivedetailid != a.objectivedetailid));  var tobedeleted =             objectivedetail2.where(a => objectivedetail1.all(             b => b.objectivedetailid != a.objectivedetailid)); 

the rest simple code add, delete, update 3 collections database.


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