ruby on rails - "Can't mass-assign protected attributes: admin" with sample_data.rake -

i'm going through michael hartl's tutorial , have sample_data.rake file. when try populate database "can't mass-assign protected attributes: admin" error. can fix adding ":admin" "attr_accessible" in "user.rb" file enables hack way becoming admin. how can resolve issue?

sample_data.rake file

namespace :db   desc "fill database sample data"   task populate: :environment     admin = user.create!(name: "example user",                  email: "",                  password: "foobar",                  password_confirmation: "foobar",                  admin: true)       name  =       email = "example-#{n+1}"       password  = "password"       user.create!(name: name,                    email: email,                    password: password,                    password_confirmation: password)   end end 

user.rb file

class user < activerecord::base   has_many :microposts, dependent: :destroy   attr_accessible :name, :email, :password, :password_confirmation   has_secure_password    before_save { |user| = email.downcase }   before_save :create_remember_token    validates :name, presence: true, length: { maximum: 50 }   valid_email_regex = /\a[\w+\-.]+@[a-z\d\-.]+\.[a-z]+\z/i   validates :email, presence:   true,                     format:     { with: valid_email_regex },                     uniqueness: { case_sensitive: false }   validates :password, presence: true, length: { minimum: 6 }   validates :password_confirmation, presence: true    private      def create_remember_token       self.remember_token = securerandom.urlsafe_base64     end end 

thanks help! i'm complete beginner please keep simple.

simply do:

admin = admin.admin = true 

this way responsible setting admin flag. not setting admin flag throuth params hash. in case, creating user in rake file not dangerous. have been if done in controller this:


as @edmund said in comment, adding :admin attr_accessible list means can .create :admin 1 of options.


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