bash - Cutting and Greping info from CSV in Ruby -

i have huge .csv file following headers:


embedded in url requests youtube video id identifiers needs extracted.


"26 jul 2013 00:01:01 utc","","", "26 jul 2013 00:02:31 utc",""," "26 jul 2013 00:02:34 utc",",6,602,180&l_ns=1&len=138&l_state=3&fmt=134&lact=1598&slots=sst~0;sidx~0;at~1_3&ad_flags=1&event=ad&cid=7317&el=detailpage&art=2.24&mt=0&fexp=933900,901439,924368,914070,916612,929305,909546,929117,929121,929906,929907,925720,925722,925718,925714,929917,929919,912521,904830,919373,904122,932216,908534,919387,936303,909549,900816,936301,912711,935000&sidx=0&scoville=1&ad_event=3&sst=0&allowed=1_2,1_2_1,1_1,1_3&v=3hssrhjyhvy&ad_sys=gdfp&rt=1.002&ns=yt&cpn=-gf8awba9stlt85b&at=1_3&ad_id=16345549","" "26 jul 2013 00:09:02 utc","","", 

i can achieve in bash in ruby (still learning).

cut -d , -f 2 urls.csv | grep watch?v= 


"" "" "" "" "" 

the youtube video id identifiers 11 characters after watch?= upto first &



require 'csv' require 'addressable/uri'  #read lines csv, headers on lines = csv.readlines("test.csv", :headers=>true)  #print csv column headers 'date , time , 'url' #p lines ['date , time'] #p lines['url'] #timestamp = lines ['date , time'] urls = lines['url']  # each line (url) query value urls.each |url|   v = addressable::uri.parse(url).query_values["v"]   if (v)      puts v # prints value if found   end end 

the code above output video id contained in requests, not watch?v= there lots of duplicates.

how make output video has prefix of watch?v=? (with timestamp , ip). indicates video has been played. thanks.

the support slicing , dicing uri limited in ruby's core uri class. other option addressable/uri.

require 'addressable/uri' uri=addressable::uri.parse('') uri.query_values["v"] #query_values returns key-value pairs of query components => "nlih9ca-ftg" 

here's snippet

urls=["", "", "", "", ""]  urls.each |url|   v = addressable::uri.parse(url).query_values["v"]   puts v end 


chzen7tmzja wavl_ijv5ei 8t2s9hsrkl8 ssdqcluh00c nlih9ca-ftg 

you can addressable/uri sudo gem install addressable


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