git - Collaborating Android Studio projects on multiple machines -

using android studio make app uses google play services maps, have include google-play-services library , make sure there .jar files , jazz. fine, however, @ work use git version control. if different machine pulls down files said app git, , machine has different location library needed, user of second machine has reconfigure project use machines libraries, , when user pushes changes git, same has done next user. makes difficult, 1 can imagine, collaborate , efficiently multiple developers on same project. there best practices guide make easier or setting or i'm not familiar with?

in general, should not add files version control may have local settings. should mark these files ignored in .gitignore prevent other developers accidentally adding them version control.

in current projects ignore following files generated android studio:

*.iml *.ipr *.iws .idea/ 

however, don't have same situation yours, because i'm not using external libraries now.

if not option reason, try 1 of these workarounds:

  1. add external libraries version control. i'm against adding binaries version control, in case might acceptable, if there few such files.
  2. use symbolic links: library references standardized in project, , developers can either put libraries designated location, or create symbolic links point custom locations.


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