java - Can't lock files in TFS eclipse -

i created tfs server tutorial:

after installing plugin in eclipse , connecting tfs server. whenever tried lock files getting error: tf400022: item cannot locked checkout in workspace yyyy; checkout locks not supported in local workspaces.

what doing wrong?

thanks help.

tfs 2012 introduces new concept called local workspaces, differ subtly behavior of workspaces in previous versions of tfs (the old default behavior called server workspace.) local workspaces not require read-only files , instead allow files edited without checking out server, , intended more suitable small medium sized workspaces. reason, local workspaces default in tfs 2012.

local workspaces, however, not support locking files check-out, since action requires communication server. thus, locking files requires server workspace.

you can convert workspace created vs 2012 client server workspace. in edit workspace dialog, select advanced, , can change type local server workspace.

also note since other users local workspaces need not check-out server, these locks implicitly downgraded check-in locks them. (if problematic policy-wise, can disable local workspaces team project collection entirely.)


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