android - How can I simulate a listview inside a scrollview? -

i need display user comments , replies comments in hierarchical type of way child comment has slight padding left.

i able listview view. listview inside scroll view , don't work obvious reasons.

i need simulate listview scrollview scrollview. how can this?

quoting docs

you should never use scrollview listview, because listview takes care of own vertical scrolling. importantly, doing defeats of important optimizations in listview dealing large lists, since forces listview display entire list of items fill infinite container supplied scrollview.

you inflate views add listview header , footer.

have custom view , add footer

public void addfooterview (view v)

added in api level 1

add fixed view appear @ bottom of list. if addfooterview called more once, views appear in order added. views added using call can take focus if want.

note: call before calling setadapter. listview can wrap supplied cursor 1 account header , footer views.

parameters v view add.

make sure listview not empty otherwise won't see footer.


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