Facebook Javascript API Requires IE to be in Protected Mode -

i have small webpage using facebook javascript api. why api not work in internet explorer if enable protected mode turned off zone in? getloginstatus returns unknown , fb.login displays blank window if protected mode off. have channelurl set although not seem using there no references in server logs.

my web page works fine in ff, chrome, , in facebook tab works standalone page in ie if enable protected mode on.

i have been using ie9 had test ie10 same results.

update: reason had protected mode off because had site in intranet zone , default. have protected mode on , things work except getting permission denied errors. after page running few seconds, comes permission denied in xd_arbiter.php?version=26, line 33 character 50 if running ie9 in compatibility mode or running ie9 in browser mode ie7 (from f12 developer tools). happen "lucky" testing site in intranet zone without protected mode on plus running ie9 compatibility mode site (from previous test). though received permission denied errors, things still seem work. assume not doing wrong, there issues in combinations not work.

i'm having problem ie9, ie10, ie11 putting facebook login button facebook javascript sdk on 1 of our sites.

it works in chrome & firefox not in ie

i've identified problem our web page loading in "internet security" zone while facebook iframe / cookies load in "internet security zone"

our internet zone has "protected mode on" our intranet zone has "protected mode off"

because 2 pages loading in differnt zones, cookie storage stored in seperate directories , therefore can't "link"

if both facebook , our local page in same zone or if both zones have same "protected mode" setting api work correctly

protected mode reference

in protected mode ie writes/reads special low versions of cache, temp folder, cookies , history:

cache: %userprofile%\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\temporary internet files\low temp: %userprofile%\appdata\local\temp\low cookies: %userprofile%\appdata\roaming\microsoft\windows\cookies\low history: %userprofile%\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\history\low


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