How to keep information about an app in Android? -

i want know if possible keep information app in while example.

i have app access file , information choices user have made. example:

i have button many events (event model), , want know if user clicked in button after application restarts.

i know possible keep information login , password. possible other information?

use shared preferences. so:

create these methods use, or use content inside of methods whenever want:

public string getprefvalue() {   sharedpreferences sp = getsharedpreferences("preferencename", 0);   string str = sp.getstring("mystore","thedefaultvalueifnovaluefoundofthiskey");   return str; }  public void writetopref(string thepreference) {   sharedpreferences.editor pref =getsharedpreferences("preferencename",0).edit();   pref.putstring("mystore", thepreference);   pref.commit(); } 

you call them this:

// when click button: writetopref("theyclickedthebutton");  if (getprefvalue().equals("theyclickedthebutton")) {    // have clicked button } else if (getprefvalue().equals("thedefaultvalueifnovaluefoundofthiskey")) {    // preference has not been created (have not clicked button) } else {    // preference has been created, have not clicked button } 

explanation of code:

"preferencename" name of preference you're referring , therefore has same every time access specific preference. eg: "password", "theirsettings"

"mystore" refers specific string stored in preference , can multiple. eg: have preference "theirsettings", "mystore" "soundprefs", "colourprefs", "language", etc.

note: can boolean, integer, etc.

all have change string storing , reading boolean, or whatever type want.


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