opencv - How to copy audio stream using FFMpeg API ( not a command line tool ) -

i'm developing video editing apps on android.

the objective of app "editing videos on android".


i'm completed making video file using images. but.. can't attach audio video.

my method same follows.

1.videostream, audio stream creation using avformatcontext encoding in video stream successful

3.encode codec open in audio stream successful

4.set sample format av_sample_fmt_fltp

5.sample rate , channel set same source audio

6.choose appropriate decoder , read packet

7.convert packets using swr_converter, setting same sample format

8.encode converted data

9.memory deallocation


problem here:

video of created video file played. audio wasn't.

it heared weird. have many noises , plays slowly.

i've googled many keywords "ffmpeg command line usage".

i wanna make ffmpeg api. not command line tool.

please help.

your question vague without kind of code go along it, trust me there lot of things can go wrong when using ffmpeg's libraries directly (and on windows there no debuging). unfortunately ffmpeg's libraries not documented best read source code ffmpeg in order use libraries. find equivalent command line options perform want , track through ffmpeg's source see library calls.


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