android - Making gps calls faster and more efficient -

i've been working on simple speed calculations application i'm working on, code have takes far long retrieve location, , know questions have been asked before, none of answers seem retrieve results i'm looking for. so, how can make code have gps fixes within matter of seconds, , possible? locationlistener:

package me.dylan.acf;  import java.text.decimalformat; import java.util.arraylist;  import; import android.location.location; import android.location.locationlistener; import android.os.bundle; import android.text.format.time; import android.widget.textview;  public class gpsmanager implements locationlistener {     arraylist<double> avgspeeds = new arraylist<double>();     textview debug;     notificationmanager mngr;     double avgspeed;     long lasttime = 0;     graphview view;     location lastloc;     int earthradius = 6371;     long delaytime = 30;     arraylist<double> allspeeds = new arraylist<double>();      public gpsmanager(textview view) {         debug = view;         location location = acf.instance.lmanager                 .getlastknownlocation(acf.instance                         .getproperlocationsservices(acf.instance                                 .getapplicationcontext()));         if (location != null) {             double speed = location.getspeed();             lastloc = location;              debug.settext("average speed: " + avgspeed + "\ncurrent speed: "                     + speed + "\nlocation updates: " + avgspeeds.size());         }     }      @override     public void onlocationchanged(location location) { //      decimalformat format = new decimalformat("0.00");         double speed = location.getspeed();          if (lastloc != null) {          double latdist = math.toradians(location.getlatitude()          - lastloc.getlatitude());          double londist = math.toradians(location.getlongitude()          - lastloc.getlongitude());          double lat1 = math.toradians(location.getlatitude());          double lat2 = math.toradians(lastloc.getlatitude());          double = math.sin(latdist / 2) * math.sin(latdist / 2)          + math.sin(londist / 2) * math.sin(londist / 2)          * math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2);          double c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1-a));          double dist = earthradius * c;          speed = (dist * 0.621371) / math.abs(system.currenttimemillis() - lasttime * 60 * 60 * 60);          lasttime = system.currenttimemillis();          }         allspeeds.add(speed);          if (allspeeds.size() > 30) {             allspeeds.remove(0);         }         avgspeed = 0;         (double d : allspeeds) {             avgspeed += d;         }         avgspeed /= allspeeds.size();         // avgspeed = double.parsedouble(format.format(avgspeed));         avgspeeds.add(avgspeed);         lastloc = location;         debug.settext("average speed: " + avgspeed + "\ncurrent speed: "                 + speed + "\nlocation updates: " + avgspeeds.size());      }      @override     public void onproviderdisabled(string provider) {      }      @override     public void onproviderenabled(string provider) {         // todo auto-generated method stub      }      @override     public void onstatuschanged(string provider, int status, bundle extras) {         // todo auto-generated method stub      }  } 

where call it:

public void updatewithproperservice() {         lmanager.requestsingleupdate(                 getproperlocationsservices(getapplicationcontext()), gpsmngr,                 null);         timer timer = new timer();         timer.schedule(new timertask() {              @override             public void run() {                 updatewithproperservice();             }         }, 10000);     }      public string getproperlocationsservices(context context) {         if (lmanager == null)             lmanager = (locationmanager) context                     .getsystemservice(context.location_service);         int mintime = 3000;         /*          * boolean isgps = false; boolean isnetwork = false; try { isgps =          * lmanager.isproviderenabled(locationmanager.gps_provider); } catch          * (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } try { isnetwork = lmanager          * .isproviderenabled(locationmanager.network_provider); } catch          * (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); }          */         list<string> matchingproviders = lmanager.getallproviders();          location bestresult = null;         long besttime = 0;         (string provider : matchingproviders) {             location location = lmanager.getlastknownlocation(provider);             if (location != null) { //              float accuracy = location.getaccuracy();                 long time = location.gettime();                  // float bestaccuracy;                 /*                  * if ((time > mintime && accuracy < bestaccuracy )) {                  * bestresult = location; besttime = time; } else                  */if (time < mintime &&                 /* bestaccuracy == float.max_value && */time < besttime) {                     bestresult = location;                     besttime = time;                 }             }         }         if (bestresult != null)             return bestresult.getprovider();         else             return locationmanager.network_provider;     } 

google has released nice api on recent google io 2013 event:

you should check out , see how can minimize code.

do note requires device have play store app work.

this method has many advantages on using normal location sensors (battery, speed , accuracy,...) .


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