Git track a remote branch using netbeans -

i using netbeans, , there feature call push upstream. when click message:

no tracked remote branch specified local master

is there way track remote branch in netbeans, or in config file?

here config file:

[core]     repositoryformatversion = 0     filemode = false     logallrefupdates = true     bare = false [remote "master"]     url =     fetch = +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/master/master 

i don't have git installed on computer, netbeans comes git package git operations. don't want download git run 1 line, there way in netbeans or in config file track branch?

i don't have git installed on computer

yet, remains safest solution: unzip archive msysgit (it on windows), , a:

git branch -u master origin/master 

even other users came same conclusion.


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