java - Error: taglib definition is not consistent with specific version during parsing web.xml -

i tried create simple jsp custom tag(empty tag) example in apache 7. got error during parsing web.xml file "taglib definition not consistent specific version during parsing web.xml". files given below.please me

<!--web.xml--> <web-app xmlns=""     xmlns:xsi=""      xsi:schemalocation=""     id="webapp_id" version="3.0" > <!-- register tld context , associating unique uri can further used refer tld. optional declaration, you![enter image description here][1] can refer tld directly, explain other options of referring tld in jsp page after example  -->     <taglib>         <taglib-uri>mytags</taglib-uri>         <taglib-location>/web-inf/mytags.tld</taglib-location>     </taglib> </web-app>  <!--mytags.tld--> <!doctype taglib   public "-//sun microsystems, inc.//dtd jsp tag library 1.2//en"          "">  <taglib>     <tlib-version>1.1</tlib-version>     <jsp-version>1.2</jsp-version>     <short-name>exampletags</short-name>     <info>example custom tags</info>     <uri></uri>      <tag>         <name>getmessage</name>         <tag-class>com.santosh.jspex.customtags.hellotaghandler</tag-class>         <body-content>empty</body-content>     </tag> </taglib>  <!--testpage.jsp--> <!-- declare taglib definations making translator aware of custom tags have defined --> <%@taglib uri="mytags" prefix="exampletags"%>  <html> <body> <b>response of getmessage tag : </b> <i> <exampletags:getmessage/> </i> <br> </body></html> <!--a tag handler class defined --> 

your web.xml elements defined according pre 2.5 servlet spec. because using 2.5 or post 2.5(3.0) servlet spec, below:

<jsp-config>   <taglib>         <taglib-uri>mytags</taglib-uri>         <taglib-location>/web-inf/mytags.tld</taglib-location>  </taglib> <jsp-config>  


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