javascript - Google Map Marker Missing On Custom Map -

i managed customize colors of google map through javascript, legend , marker won't appear. i'm not worried legend, i'm focusing on marker appearing. tried putting in custom-made marker. why doesn't marker appear? it's right size, png transparency. please!

 <script type="text/javascript">      window.onload = function () {    }   function initialize() {     var mapoptions = {         center: new google.maps.latlng(32.817323, -96.788059),         zoom: 16,         maptypeid:     };     var map = new"map"), mapoptions);      var point = new google.maps.latlng(32.817323, -96.788059);     var marker = new google.maps.marker({         position: point,         map: map,         title: "commercial ideas"     }); }           var latlng = new google.maps.latlng(32.817323, -96.788059);            var styles = [              {                  featuretype: "landscape",                  stylers: [                      { color: '#ffffff' }                  ]               },{                 featuretype: 'road', elementtype: 'geometry', stylers: [   { color: '#d90000' },   { weight: .1 } ] },{                 featuretype: "natural",                  stylers: [                      { hue: '#ff0000' }                 ]              },{                  featuretype: "road",                  stylers: [                      { hue: '#610000' },                      { saturation: -60 }                ] }, { featuretype: 'road', elementtype: 'labels', stylers: [   { saturation: -50 }, ]              },{                  featuretype: "building",                  elementtype: "labels",                  stylers: [                      { hue: '#fc7067' }                  ]              },{                  featuretype: "poi", //points of interest                  stylers: [                      { hue: '#d90000' }                  ]              }           ];          var myoptions = {              zoom: 14,              center: latlng,              maptypeid: google.maps.maptypeid.roadmap,              disabledefaultui: true,              styles: styles          };            map = new'map'), myoptions);     }    var iconbase = 'images/assets/icons/'; var marker = new google.maps.marker({ position: mylatlng, map: map, icon: iconbase + 'mapmarker.png', shadow: iconbase + 'mapmarkershadow.png' }); </script> 

i linked out url . did link out wrong one? map show up.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> 

the html within body so:

<div id="map"></div> 

the css styling map id so:

 #map {          width: 100%;         height: 600px;         margin-bottom:15px;      } 

the custom marker doesn't appear, assuming url of image correct , image exists there, because mylatlng not defined, should obvious errors reported in javascript console.

change this:

var marker = new google.maps.marker({   position: mylatlng,   map: map,   icon: iconbase + 'mapmarker.png',   shadow: iconbase + 'mapmarkershadow.png' }); 

to this:

var marker = new google.maps.marker({   position: latlng,   map: map,   icon: iconbase + 'mapmarker.png',   shadow: iconbase + 'mapmarkershadow.png' }); 


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