types - SQL Alchemy - schema extraction with TypeDecorator -
i using typedecorator json extraction , model uses 1 of columns. storing python list objects using typedecorator. def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): # etc... def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): # never gets called!! if value not none: return json.loads(value) return value when store data in model uses decorator bind_param called appropriately. extract schema model using typedecorator via following: table = table(table_name, meta, autoload=true, autoload_with=sengine) now query test (there many ways loop , extract): for record in source.query(table).all(): print type(record.column_using_custom_type_list_object) == str # returns true ... should false ... should of type list # json.loads() returns type list ??? print record.column_using_custom_type_list_object[some_index] # naturally prints character in string, not cell the problem process_result_value() not being called when table queried , object , column fe...