callback - WCF ServiceDebugBehavior IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults = true -
i have server/client wcf app calls client server , callbacks server client. i'm getting kind of error when try callback. info useless, give tip set exception detail in faults true see more details. i have dont know how include other behaviour since 1 allowed. servicemetadatabehavior smb1 = host.description.behaviors.find<servicemetadatabehavior>(); // if not, add 1 if (smb1 == null) smb1 = new servicemetadatabehavior(); smb1.httpgetenabled = true; host.description.behaviors.add(smb1); i want let know way i'm using callbacks. when client calls server, function in server stuff need , saves channel: callbacks = operationcontext.current.getcallbackchannel<iservicecallbackcontract>(); and when need call client server, use channel. not in function! i thought couldn't done saw in examples. maybe i'm doing wrong there , can c...